Quick Start

Double-click Cleaning Agent's icon to launch the application. Cleaning Agent window will appear. To make Cleaning Agent a useful tool, you must configure it. This means you must add items that you want to clean to the Cleaning Agent's list and define cleaning conditions for each item. To learn how to do this, please read help for Cleaning Agent window. You will also learn there how to start cleaning.

Good thing about Cleaning Agent is that once the files are in its watch-list, you do not have to clean your disks anymore by yourself. Cleaning Agent will do.
There are two modes in which Cleaning Agent can operate.
1.  Edit mode When this mode is selected, Cleaning Agent will display Cleaning Agent window after it starts up. Because the main window is opened, you are able to add/remove items from the Cleaning Agent's list and to edit their cleaning settings. Under this mode you can start cleaning manually by clicking Clean! button.
2. Clean & Quit  Under this mode Cleaning Agent works automatically. It doesn't display main window when it starts up. It starts the cleaning immediately instead. When the cleaning is finished, Cleaning Agent quits.

By default, Cleaning Agent works in Edit mode. You can change the mode in Preferences window by checking/unchecking option Open in Edit mode...

To get more familiar with Cleaning Agent's functions, please read help for menus and windows.